SUBCONTRACTING - Product and service website for industry and contract manufacturing

Imatran Teräsvalmiste Oy

Sukkulakatu 2, 55120 Imatra
Phone: +358 5 543 4600

  • Toimitusjohtaja Teemu Kähäri Markkinointi, tarjouslaskenta +358 50 378 3131
  • Ville Parri Materiaalihankinnat, tuotanto, IWE +358 500 484 112
  • Veli-Matti Ikonen Tarjouslaskenta, IWE, sertifioitu NDT-tarkastaja (MT + PT, EN ISO 9712) +358 44 760 0160

We specialize in manufacturing demanding sheet metal structures, from sheet metal processing to machining and pickling. Our modern and efficient machinery enables the production of a wide variety of products, including equipment for machining, welding, cutting, and bending.
