SUBCONTRACTING - Product and service website for industry and contract manufacturing

Puristeteos Oy

Mäkirinteentie 29, 36220 Kangasala
Phone: +358 104 399 710

  • Toimitusjohtaja Ville Mäenpää
  • Ostot, laskutus, henkilöstö Outi Mäenpää
  • Suunnittelija Antti Pallari
  • Tuotantopäällikkö Satu Henriksson
  • Laatu- ja kehitysinsinööri Noora Lundén

Choose our smart solutions!

Our contract manufacturing services offer a wide range of possibilities.
We produce components and assemble them into complete systems according to your needs. We work with metal sheets and pipes, rods and strips, aluminum profiles, and provide welded structures and machined parts. Surface treatments are also included in our contract manufacturing services. Contact us to learn more about our solutions!
