Sähkö Valo Tele AV 2022 fair
Würth Elektronik Oy
- B 584
Karhutie 4,
Phone: +358 103 084 700
Würth Elektronik Oy has been a partner of Finnish and Estonian industrial, maintenance and electrical contractors companies for more than 45 years. With our wide range of products, including more than 22,000 stock products and with our international partners, we offer our customers flexibility and a time- and money-saving service in fastening, electrical and electronic products.
Würth Elektronik Oy on toiminut yli 45 vuotta Suomen ja Viron teollisuus-, kunnossapito- ja sähköurakointi yritysten kumppanina. Laajan tuotevalikoimamme, johon kuuluu yli 22 000 varastoitavaa tuotetta, sekä kansainvälisten yhteistyökumppaneidemme avulla tarjoamme asiakkaillemme joustavuutta, sekä aikaa ja rahaa säästävää palvelua kiinnitys-, sähkö- ja elektroniikkatuotteissa.
Cables and wires (01, 04, 06)
Cable racks (14)
Installation materials (11, 13, 16-19)
Installation equipment (20, 21, 23-26,28)
Switch panels, EV-charging, enclosures and their accessories (30-34)
Industrial products (23, 27, 36-38, 86)
Work and safety equipment, meters and batteries (60, 64, 64, 67 and 87)
Heating equipment and fans (81)
Cables and wires (01, 04, 06)
Lighting components and accessories (40)
Indoor luminaires and decorative lighting
Emergency and escape lighting and systems
Outdoor lighting (45)
Industrial lighting (43)
Battery powered lights (87)
Columns, brackets and pedestals (46)
Lamps and light sources (47-49)
Lighting control systems (26, 28)
Lighting components and accessories (40)