Sähkö Valo Tele AV 2022 fair
Klinkmann is the leading Finnish industrial provider of automation and electrification solutions and services. Klinkmann's technical focus areas comprise machine and production automation, industrial data communication and IoT as well as electrical panel components and energy solution technologies. Klinkmann offers solutions and support services which help our customers to improve their products and operations.
Klinkmann on johtava suomalainen teollisuuden automaatio- ja sähköistysratkaisujen toimittaja. Tarjoamme ratkaisuja ja tukipalveluita, jotka auttavat asiakkaitamme parantamaan omia tuotteitaan ja digitalisoimaan omaa toimintaansa. Palvelutiimimme varmistavat oikean sovellusratkaisun, sertifioivan asiakaskoulutuksen sekä jatkuvan tuen ja ylläpidon.
Clients/Brands and www-addresses:
Cables and wires (01, 04, 06)
Cable racks (14)
Installation materials (11, 13, 16-19)
Installation equipment (20, 21, 23-26,28)
Switch panels, EV-charging, enclosures and their accessories (30-34)
Industrial products (23, 27, 36-38, 86)
Distribution of electricity (50-58, 66, 67)
Work and safety equipment, meters and batteries (60, 64, 64, 67 and 87)
Heating equipment and fans (81)
Cables and wires (01, 04, 06)