Subcontracting 2021 Fair Catalogue

Turku Business Region


  • E1020

Joukahaisenkatu 3 A, 20520 Turku
Phone: +358 2 330 000

Turku Business Region and the following companies are present on the stand:

Avertas Robotics Oy
Blue Industry Park Oy
Brang Oy
Brighthouse Intelligence Oy
EJT-Tekniikka Oy
Fidera Oy
Nextfour Group Oy

Osastolla on esillä Turun seudun alihankintaosaamista:

Avertas Robotics Oy
Blue Industry Park Oy
Brang Oy
Brighthouse Intelligence Oy
EJT-Tekniikka Oy
Fidera Oy
Nextfour Group Oy
