Metal Companies Products/Services Clients Search Hae HEIDENHAIN Scandinavia AB Add to favorites Leave a contact request Nuolitie 2 a 10, 01740 Vantaa Phone: +358 9 867 6476 Myyntipäällikkö Petteri Parovuori +358 40 848 8293 Clients/Brands and www-addresses: AMO Automatisierung Messtechnik Optik GmbH, Austria, Austria ETEL S.A. DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH, Germany Leine & Linde AB Numerik Jena GmbH RSF Elektronik GmbH StateMonitor Keywords: PRODUCTS Sensors Absolute sensors Linear absolute sensors Ex sensors Inductive sensors Incremental sensors Angle sensors Linear sensors Magnetostrictive sensors Optical sensors Distance sensors Pulse sensors Sensors for potentially explosive atmospheres CNC machines / CNC systems DeviceNet products Sensor cables Cables Sensor cables Components Automation compoments Switches Shaft couplings Drives Linear drives Connectors Measuring devices / Measuring machines Engines / Motors Linear actuators Linear motors Servo motors Synchronous motors Electric motors Torque motors Controls / Control devices Control / Control systems Control devices / Controllers Testing equipment / Testers SERVICES Maintenance services Training Software training Maintenance services